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暗黑破坏神3卡奈魔网页热血传奇官网盒机制详解 传奇特效叠加技巧
作者:热血传奇网页版 来源:http://www.softpl.com 时间:2016-03-05 23:44
With the current plan, the passives you get by breaking down Legendary items with special effects in Kanai's Cube do not replace passive skills on your character, but are instead part of a separate set of passives that are specifically stored within the cube. You can store as many special effects as possible in the cube, but only a limited number can be active at a given time (currently, this is three: one weapon effect, one armor effect, and one jewelry effect). Hope that helps! 用卡奈魔盒摘取下的传奇特效不会占用角色的被动技能栏,对于储存为魔盒的那一套特殊的“被动技能”。在魔盒中尽可能多的储存特效,但是同时开启的特效数量是有限的(目前来说是这三样,1.76复古传奇网页版,一条武器特效,一条防具特效与一条首饰特效) 可以看到魔盒可以保存三条传奇特效,很多时候大家也对装备的选取很纠结,那么现在就不需要那么纠结,看重了某个装备的传奇特效,直接保存出来就可以,在以后的配装过程之中魔盒的特效也将是非常重要的一环! 但是要特别说明的是,同一传奇特效不能叠加,比如华戒的特效等。
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